Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Friday, July 9, 2010

Children's VBS at St. Vincent's--The Grand Finale

Tonight our Vacation Bible School came to an end at St. Vincent's. The kids clearly had a great time. Above you see an example of the high-energy song and dance presented at the closing ceremony.
The volunteer staff, such as the song leader above, did a first-class job teaching the youngsters.
They studied Bible verses and stories and read them aloud at the closing ceremony.
The "Green Team" even composed a special original song of thanksgiving to God--to the tune of "The Beverly Hillbillies" theme!
Clearly the kids learned a great deal and had a great time.
Thanks to Laura, our children's minster, and all the volunteers. You did a wonderful job!
The theme this year was "Galactic Blast," complete with a green space gorilla named "Galileo"!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Adult VBS Study of the Pastoral Epistles

Tonight we continued our study of the Pastoral Epistles in the adult Vacation Bible School at St. Vincent's.
The class has been very well attended, and the participants are eager to dive into the Scriptures!
We have had a great time together.
Tomorrow we finish up 2 Timothy and begin our study of Titus.

Fr Foster has taken the opportunity to introduce other materials about worship in the early Church.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Vacation Bible School--a Fun Tuesday Night!

Waiting in line for diner, but having a good time doing it!

Deacon Petta and his wife have just joined our parish to begin his curacy. Welcome to St. Vincent's, Deacon.
These good folks have volunteered their time to help us at VBS. Thanks!
These teens have been helping out and doing a great job.
An excellent feed!
Rabbit ears behind the head? Come now!
Say "cheese"!
Lot's of happy kids.
The adults below have been doing a great job with registration. Thanks very much!

That's me Randy Foster "pop" admireing GODS WORK